General English Courses

General English Courses in Glasgow

Our General English classes are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their all-round communication skills. Our classes focus on the practical needs of students and can be studied on a full-time or part-time basis.

We offer General English classes at six levels, from Beginner (A1) to Advanced (C1). 

Courses range from a minimum of one week up to one year or more, giving you maximum choice and flexibility.

The minimum age for our General English classes is 16. 



You will take a placement test before you start to determine which level you will be placed in, from Beginner (A1) to Advanced (C1).

You will study a balanced mix of skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and systems (grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) with an emphasis on practical, everyday communication.

We carry out weekly tests to make sure that you are progressing and we do regular checks to see if you are meeting your goals. Our teachers work hard to make sure that you are being challenged and are that you are improving your own weak areas.

We make our lessons fun, interesting, and useful. We give all students the chance to suggest lesson topics, classroom activities, and areas of language to study, meaning that there is always something to look forward to learning.

General English 7.5 

This is a 7.5 hour per week course which runs Monday to Thursday. Monday and Wednesday from 1:20 pm - 3:20 pm and Tueday and Thursday 1:20 pm - 3:05 pm. This course focused on improving languge skills with an emphasis on spoken communication. This course runs all year round.

Course Length Price Per Week
1-6 wks £95 
7+ wks  £90


General English 15 

This is a 15 hour per week course which runs Monday to Friday from 9:00 am - 12.20 pm including a 20-minute break. This course covers all skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and systems (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation). This course runs all year round.

This course may also run on a Monday to Friday from 3:00 pm - 6:20 pm (including a 20-minute break) during our busy summer period. You may be required to attend lessons at this time in July and August as our 9:00 am classes are often fully booked.

Course Length Price Per Week
1-6 wks £195 
7+ wks  £190


General English Intensive 

This is a 22.5 hour per week course which combines the General English 15 and General English 7.5 options listed above. This course runs all year round.

Course Length Price Per Week
1-6 wks £260 
7+ wks  £255

Our General English courses run all year round. 

You can start your course on any Mondays (except dates below) as we operate a system of continuous enrolment.

The school is closed on the following days:

  • Easter Monday (1 day) 
  • Christmas and New Year (2 weeks)   

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